Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Renewing Mind: Things that need to change.

The way I show my love for God
The way I show my love for my family
The way I think about the work I do
The way I feel about my job
The way I eat
The way I take care of myself
The way I treat my friends
The way I treat my cat
The regularity with which I clean
The way I drive
The way I react to how others drive
The choices I make in regard to how I consume entertainment
the way I play games
They way I react to how you play games
The way i think about money
The way I feel about money
The way i spend money
the way I talk to my wife about money
the way I talk to my wife
the way I talk
how I think about my place in society
how much I contribute to the betterment of society
how much time I spend on relatively unimportant things
how often I cook
how often I put something off because I assume someone else will do it
how often I don't get involved because I don't think it is any of my business
how often I don't get involved because I don't care
how I treat people when I finally do get involved
how often I call my parents
how often I call my friends
how often I pray
how I pray
how I worship
how often I worship
how often I phone it in
how often I overreact
how often I take things out on you
how often I let you take things out on me
how I want what you have
how I want you to want what I have
how I feel about the things that I have
how I think about the things that I have
how ungrateful i am about the things I've been given
how ungracious I am about the things I have to give
how useless I sometimes feel
how prideful I am
how selfish I am
how we think about each other
how we think about where we live
how we think about what we do
how little thought we give to the state of our souls
how little thanks we give to God for His inexpressible gift.

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