Some of you are thinking that I’m crazy. This can’t possibly
be what it’s like. However, there are some parents out there who are reading
this and thinking “That’s how I feel
every day!” Let me break it down in hopes of making the example more
accessible. Watching the show is keeping track of general life—what’s going on
in the world, how your extended family or friends or church is doing—that sort
of thing. The music represents the various mental challenges that your kids
throw at you during the day. It isn't constant, there are breaks, and sometimes
they do things for which you already feel equipped. Sometimes they do things
that are so foreign it messes up your whole day. The tennis balls represent the
attention and physical effort you have to expend while watching kids. Finally,
the reason you are doing this on a day when you have other things planned is
two-fold: children slow down the progress of almost every other endeavor even—and
sometimes especially—if it isn't directly about them; and parents, as much as
we love and claim we are willing to sacrifice for our kids, often hold on to
the idea that our life is still (selfishly) our own. This overtly causes
frustration and subvertly may cause us to feel that our kids are getting in the
way of us leading our own lives.
Now, the immediate area where I know this example breaks
down is with the concept of the treats. The treats are meant to show how the
love and adorableness of children can make the challenge of raising them
worthwhile. A simple treat does not completely represent how profound that can
be. It is really one of the main things I think keeps many parents sane. When
you are in the trenches, you cling to it because you know it’s true, even when it doesn't feel true.
Can't comment. I am paid to spoil them. OOPS, just did.